Dearest Namitha, 

    I hope this letter finds you amidst the cozy warmth of your campus room, surrounded by the books, notes, and dreams that have become an integral part of your life as you embark on this extraordinary journey of pursuing a Ph.D. I know that this time in your academic pursuit is both challenging and exhilarating, and I admire your unwavering dedication and passion.

    As I sit down to write this letter, I can't help but think back to all the moments we've shared during our postgraduate years. From study sessions to endless gossiping and gulping together the breakfast I used to bring, we've weathered the storms of academia together. But there's something that's been weighing on my heart for quite some time, and I wanted to put my feelings into words.

    First and foremost, I want to express how truly sorry I am for not being able to attend your wedding. I know how much it meant to you, and I wish I could have been there to witness the union of two souls so deeply in love. Despite my absence on that special day, please know that my thoughts and well wishes were with you both, and I hope you had a beautiful and unforgettable celebration.

    I can sense from our conversations that living on campus for your Ph.D. while your husband is at his workplace has been quite a challenging adjustment. The distance must be especially tough, given the strong bond you both share. 

    I can totally relate the longing you must feel for his presence everyday as my better half is a seafarer and is on board now. Always remember that distance may test the strength of your relationship, but it can never diminish the love you have for each other. This chapter is just another step in your journey together!

    While your husband may be miles away, I hope you find comfort and solace in your research, knowing that each day brings you one step closer to achieving your dreams. Your dedication to your studies is truly commendable, and I'm certain that your research will have a significant impact in your field.

    In moments of loneliness and longing, remember that your friends, myself included, are just a phone call or message away. Whether it's sharing a funny anecdote, discussing your research breakthroughs, or simply venting about the challenges of long-distance, please know that you can always reach out to me.

    As one of your best friends, my greatest wish is to see you both happy and thriving, and I'm confident that your love will conquer all obstacles. You have my unwavering support, love, and admiration as you continue this incredible journey.

    May your days be filled with intellectual pursuits, love, and the promise of a brighter tomorrow. I eagerly await the day when we can all meet again and celebrate your achievements and love.

    Until then, take care of yourself, my dear friend, and never forget how proud I am of you and the extraordinary woman you've become.

With all my love and warmest wishes,



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