Felicitation Speech by Marible on Sr. Loretta Maria's First Religious Profession

My prayerful greetings to everyone gathered here,

It is with heart filled peace and joy, I stand before this big gathering. I feel extremely privileged to be on the dais, to offer our beloved Loretta Auntie our warm congratulations and fervent wishes on this blessed day. 

Our family’s prayers are answered today by our Lord Almighty. Like Loretta Auntie’s well-wishers, we too have been eagerly waiting for this graceful day since the day she was chosen, called and touched by God in a unique way. Well, she has come a long way and has now reached a goal she had set out to achieve a few years ago. This moment of her officially embracing the Franciscan Clarist Congregation is a defining moment not only in Loretta Auntie’s life but also in our lives. Of course, it should be held in higher regard than any degree or award that anyone could ever gain or acquire. 

Maybe to others the star of the day is known as Loretta Auntie. But to us; she is Maria ever and forever. She has always been an adorable granddaughter to her grandparents; a loving daughter to Appappan and Ammamma; an affectionate sibling to Mommy, Lali Auntie and Chaachan; a considerate sister-in-law to Papa, Siju Uncle and Deepa Auntie; a caring Aunt to us:- her nephews and nieces. I’m pretty sure that it wouldn’t be a tough task for her to embark her journey as Sr. Loretta Maria as well. 

In this journey that she is going to begin, there might be certain dangers awaiting her. There will be moments that she might wish she could have avoided, yet were inevitable. And, there will be other moments that she might think she could have handled with proper care and concern. Whatever the circumstances be, we assure Loretta Auntie that our continuous prayers and constant support will be there with you. We all love you, Auntie. 

Congratulations again. You will make a great contribution to Franciscan Clarist Congregation and the Church. I therefore pray the Lord, through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary that you be filled with Holy Spirit so that you could bloom wherever you are planted. On the behalf of our entire family, we do sincerely wish you all the best. 

May God Bless You Abundantly.  

Thank You.      


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