Celebrating Rose


The corridors of our place of work- Dept. of Functional English of Little Flower College, Guruvayoor- echo with memories, laughter, and life tips of a remarkable woman who served as both a teaching colleague and a cherished friend. As the years have passed, the pages of our lives have turned, and now, I take a moment to celebrate the extraordinary journey of my former teaching colleague, a friend who wears the mantle of motherhood with grace and aplomb.

Meet Rose, a name that resonates with every student who has had the privilege of learning from her and every colleague who has had the honor of working alongside her. Rose's presence in our department was like a soothing balm, calming the chaotic currents of academia and leaving an indelible mark on all who crossed her path.

As a mother of one wonderful child then -Ninav-, Rose embodied the essence of the modern multitasking mom, whose days were a whirlwind of NAAC meetings, Departmental conferences, Paper Evaluation Camps and bedtime stories for her Ninav. Yet, it was her ability to blend these roles seamlessly that left a lasting impression on me.

Rose's classroom was a sanctuary of learning, where her passion for teaching lit up the room, and her students were treated like her own offsprings. As a colleague, I marveled at her endless patience, and her unwavering commitment to nurturing young minds. She managed the classroom with the same grace and patience that she employed in raising her boy. I remember her recounting the tales of her child’s adventures. 

Her interactions with her students were nothing short of magical. I vividly recall the way her eyes would light up as she taught in every class. Rose's classroom was a place where education transcended textbooks, fostering a love for learning that would stay with her students for a lifetime.

Balancing her roles as a teacher and a mother was not without its challenges, but Rose's resilience was truly inspirational. I remember a particularly challenging period for her when she was juggling NAAC tasks, completion of syllabus, household responsibilities etc all within the stipulated time. Through it all, she seemed to remain composed, handling each responsibility with unwavering dedication.

Outside the classroom, Rose's friendship was a source of comfort and inspiration. Our conversations ranged from places to visit to gossips, from dreams and aspirations to the joys and challenges of motherhood. She was the kind of friend who listened, empathized, and offered sage advice with a warmth that made even the most daunting situations feel manageable.

Just before the onset of Covid 19, I resigned from the job. Rose continued over there for almost an academic year before giving birth to her second child- Nirbhay-. Later on, she worked in a few schools and now is a permanent teaching staff in an aided school. Thus, her dream came true. 

In celebrating Rose, we honor all the teaching mothers who, like her, gracefully juggle the roles of educator and nurturer. Her journey reminds us that education extends beyond the classroom, and that the love and wisdom of mothers can shape not only their children's lives but also the future of our world. 

As we reflect on Rose's incredible journey, we are reminded that the bonds forged in the hallowed halls of our school are not easily forgotten. Her legacy lives on in the countless students she inspired and the friendships she nurtured. Rose is a testament to the remarkable power of love, friendship, and the indomitable spirit of motherhood.

Here's to Rose—a dedicated teacher, a dear friend, and an exceptional mother of two, whose journey continues to inspire us all.

Happy Teacher’s Day


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