In the heart of Chennai, nestled amidst the bustling streets, lies a place that held my world for seven beautiful years - my old flat in Kilpauk. Each corner, each room resonates with memories that shaped my college years, a time when dreams soared and laughter echoed through the walls. Recently, I embarked on a poignant journey, hand in hand with my husband, to revisit the abode where my family and I created an album of cherished moments. 

    As we approached the familiar building, a rush of emotions engulfed me. The facade appeared weathered, yet the essence remained unchanged, evoking a sense of comforting familiarity.

    I paused at the gate; emotions swirling, yet hesitant to step into the realms of nostalgia.

    From the gate, I could see snippets of our old world—the laughter that used to echo in the corridors, the scent of homemade delicacies that would escape through the windows, the balcony where dreams were shared under the vast expanse of the evening sky, the walls adorned with pictures captured moments frozen in time, the sofa that witnessed endless favourite shows, the bookshelf- a repository of my college memories. 

    Every brick seemed to hold a story, and yet, I found myself content in allowing those stories to remain undisturbed. Perhaps it was the fear of altering the pristine essence of the past or the acknowledgment that some memories are best preserved in their untouched, pristine state. 

    With a final glance, we turned to leave.

    Some gates, I've come to realize, are meant to stand as silent sentinels, guarding memories that are best cherished from a distance.

    As we bid adieu to the place that was once our haven, I carried with me not just memories but a renewed sense of gratitude. Gratitude for the moments lived, the lessons learned, and the love that permeated every corner of that humble abode in Kilpauk. 
